Give Back to Students

Welcome to the Giving Back to Students section of our Religious Education Department. Have you ever considered volunteering? Want to share your talents, passions and love for God with our Faith Formation students? We have so many opportunities available for volunteers to give back to our students without ever actually having to "Teach. Every. Sunday."

Ways to Support Our Students:

Teacher or Team Teacher – find a friend and share the role of a classroom teacher. Teach together, or trade off weekends!

Party Planning/Snack provider – Help out with planning holiday parties for the kids or provide snacks for weekend classes.

Substitute – Be on call whenever a teacher is unable to come on a weekend to cover a class.

Share your talents! – Maybe teaching all the time isn’t your thing but there is one topic you are passionate about and would love to share with the students.

CREATIVE HELP! – Are you a creative person? Do you love making bulletin boards? Is planning a craft or project your jam? Come help create a welcoming space for our students!

Know someone who would be great help? Please Share this survey with them! Or click this LINK (will open in a separate window)

QR Code to a volunteer survey